Takaki Automotive Corp.
47 Hintonburg Place
Ottawa, ON, Canada

Mon-Fri: 7:30AM to 5:30PM

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Clutch Hydraulic line fix

Clutch Hydraulic line job



Recently, a '98 Honda Accord came into our shop for a clutch pedal failure. It had 318,000km. The clutch master cylinder, on this model, is hidden between the strut tower and firewall. It is difficult to access it. We noticed that the slave cylinder boot is dry, so we concluded that it is not leaking. The owner had recently done some rustproofing done so the whole under-body was all oily with resin. We replaced master cylinder first since it has high mileage and the car is already around 14 years old. After doing this, there was still not enough pressure going to slave cylinder. Upon further inspection, we found the flexible section of clutch hydraulic line to have tiny hole. There was wiring harness that was rubbing onto the hydraulic line for such a long time, and eventually wore it out. When we called to order the hose, the Honda dealer said the flexible section is molded into steel line, so it cannot be separated. The cost of the part is $176. In my opinion, the engineering behind this system is quite poor. (They should have made it so it is easily replaceable.) I am guessing that the pressure for the hydraulic clutch is most likely anywhere 100 to 150 psi (I can not find any reference). The air pressure of our shop's compressor is 150 to 185 psi. We used a union joint to fix our air line and a hi-pressure hose clamp (around $10.00 in parts). Since the clutch hydraulic line has lesser pressure than our shop's air hose, we were able use this union modification and successfully repair the leak.